#Opencall #Togathering #MakingofAMeal
Brack is seeking 5 participants for our project – To Gathering: Making of a Meal! Read more here.
We invite you to join us on for one final meal to close out Circuit Breaker – a digital dinner gathering on
30 May, Sat, 6-8:30pm.
We’re gathering to explore the challenges which may arise from the simple (?) proposition of sharing space with others. How does the act of sharing manifest in our domestic spaces and other areas of our lives, especially in the time of Circuit Breaker?
To participate, you’ll need to:
+ Cook a dish and livestream your preparation process for 40 min on zoom
+ Record (via photo, video, etc) and share your preparation process with us via email after the gathering
+ Be present for the duration of the dinner gathering (7-8:30pm)
More details will be shared once you sign up!
To join our gathering, write to us at heybrack @ gmail.com or simply PM us!